The truth is… you are already whole.
But your system has fragmented due to experiences in which your whole self was not welcome.
You denied your expression because it wasn’t safe.
You protected your heart because it wasn’t received.
You suffocated your soul to survive.
But now is when you learn to THRIVE.
You are not broken.
You do not need to be fixed.
You do not need to become something you are not.
You are already whole.
The path of healing is not fixing because nothing is broken.
The path of healing is a journey of remembrance… a remembering of who you truly are… a becoming of all that you are.
The choice to liberate into that expression of wholeness is here
...& the choice is yours.
As an Integrative Healer, Intuitive Mentor, + Therapeutic Coach… I am committed to calling forth the loving embrace of your whole self.
work with me
One-on-One Initiations
1:1 Integrative Healing, Intuitive Mentorship, + Therapeutic Coaching
Healer’s Initiation
Group Mentorship + Activation to Awaken the Healer Within (Waitlist Open)

Initiations are significant turning points where the direction of one’s life shifts to align with their innate and essential nature. Initiations are rites of passage bringing greater awareness and completion to existential questions surrounding the nature of oneself, one’s purpose, and their place in the world.
On an intrapersonal level, we experience initiation when we are ripe for our next evolutionary step — often experienced as releasing outdated perspectives and behaviors so that we can move into expanded consciousness and ways of being in relationship with all of life — ourselves, others, and the environment around us.
The initiatory process sits within of the natural cycles of ‘death + rebirth’ that are so intelligently weaved into every aspect of existence. If the new is to be born, then the old must die.
In our modern world, the process of initiation is overlooked — often left unidentified, misunderstood, and undervalued. Without the understanding of this process and the guidance to navigate, we tend to feel stuck, lost, frustrated, and confused.
Initiations are meant to illuminate what is not working, expose facades and coverings of the real self, reveal wounds so they may heal, and ultimately, confront us with Truth.
Initiations are in service to your greatest expansion, but often come at the cost of what feels safe and familiar. It is not easy to walk the path of your becoming — but the realization of your authentic desires often sit on the other side.
When life calls us forward, I believe it is our greatest responsibility + highest blessing to answer the call.

Words of love…
A practice of becoming