latest from the journal
What a gratitude practice is. What it can teach us. How it can free us.
I remember when I first heard of a gratitude practice - where you bring conscious appreciation to the things in your life that you already have…
To all my fellow warriors out there—what we can learn from acceptance.
I wrote myself a letter that started with three, simple words…. I am sick. And rather than terror in fear or burst into tears... for the first time in a long time, I felt relief…
Here’s to a new journey with no destination.
For nearly my entire life, I lived a double existence. On the external, I did everything I was "supposed to". A perfectionist and empath from the womb…
I have been choosing to pick-up more and more poetry over the past few years as I’ve gravitated to art that makes me contemplate. To question this reality we are idly complicit in. That speaks of those very real human moments we don’t often discuss…